Thursday, October 19, 2017

Hello!!! how are you today??? 
This time I want to share a story written by Celes, Belu, Mati and me. The title of our story is "GROOMED" I hope you like it.

see you ...

Thursday, August 24, 2017

I would like to share one of my favourite books. In this book the author tells us how life is today. He shows us a  school where everything is upside down . At this school there is no admission exam and everything is free and open to anyone. He  criticizes the current society where corruption, inequality in all aspects, intolerance, racism, social injustice, drug trafficking, the power of the media are the daily bread of every day.
True criminals who truly violate human rights  will never be in prison since they are the owners of the prison keys.

We are not well informed, because television is not interested in show the real world. On the contraty, they show what they want us to see, what magnitude of violence is presented daily in The television is shown as a healthy television without evil.

These are some of the topics you are going to find in this book. It is a very  interesting book to read.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

What CLIL can do for your classroom?

In many cases, CLIL can increase your students’ motivation to learn what you’re teaching them. This can enable students to progress more quickly and solidly than they would with deliberately separated subjects. There are very few instances in the real world in which black and white don’t mix, so letting two subjects paint a broader picture of reality for students is a great advantage of CLIL. Just make sure that the content-specific subject is the primary objective and that your linguistic goals are secondary – this provides consistency and sturdy scaffolding on which to build linguistic progress.
Because CLIL is so strongly associated with both a content area and a foreign language, it’s naturally  imbued with  cultural and  societal significance. Your students will develop a stronger understanding of a foreign culture as a result of CLIL instruction and will be more likely to “see the big picture” in terms of the relationship between language and society.
Even in CLIL lessons, it will become apparent that some skills and knowledge are applicable to a wide range of subjects in a variety of languages. Students will gain a healthy appreciation for these types of skills and may be more motivated to improve them.
By challenging your students with CLIL, you’ll be able to help them build confidence in their abilities. The best part of this is that their confidence won’t be inflated – the legitimate cognitive and academic skills encouraged by CLIL are widely recognized and valued.

What do you think? Have you used CLIL in your classroom? How successful has it been?

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Do you often think you are going to fail an exam? 

In our five-part series, Making Sense of Exams, we’ll discuss the purpose of exams, whether they can be done online, overcoming exam anxiety, and effective revision techniques.

Do you feel like your mind freezes during exams? Do you find yourself thinking “I really can’t do this”? Does your heart race fast or do you find it hard to breathe during exams?
Most people feel anxious when taking an exam, but research shows that some people are more likely to suffer from exam anxiety than others. So why is this? And what can you do to calm your nerves?
What is exam anxiety?
Exam anxiety is the experience of feeling an intense moment of fear or panic before and/or during an exam or assessment.
There are two types of anxiety:
·         Low anxiety: students who experience low anxiety may feel a little nervous about an upcoming exam but are still able to focus their attention on their studies or the questions asked during the assessment. Usually low anxiety students are not struck with intrusive thoughts or feel debilitated by the exam.
·         High anxiety: students who experience high anxiety show an immediate anxiety reaction when exposed to the feared test situation. They attempt to avoid the situation by not showing up to the exam, or may endure it but with extreme fear. High anxiety can tip some into a sense of panic: “I just really can’t do this!”
Students with either high or low anxiety can respond to tests in different ways. But research shows that managing anxiety effectively can actually help with exam performance.
The challenge is to recognise when your anxiety has increased past an optimal level so that it starts to impact your ability to complete the exam - this is a high level of anxiety.
Some physical responses of high anxiety include a speeding heart, damp hands, shortness or rapid breath, and feeling queasy.
The physical response is usually experienced in high levels of anxiety when the “fight or flight” response is triggered. This is how our bodies respond to a perceived threat – and while uncomfortable, it is not harmful.
Impact of high anxiety on performance
Research has shown that people who experience high levels of anxiety in exams can also see their performance decline in evaluation situations.
These people tend to perceive exams as threatening and respond with intense emotional responses, making it difficult to focus on the task.
Assessment situations also evoke worry responses that interfere with effective performance on cognitive and intellectual tasks. This then impacts on the person’s chance of performing their best on the exam.
Exam anxiety may also interfere with your ability to show your academic and cognitive capabilities.
So, how can I cool my exam nerves?
If you identify high anxiety in yourself, you can learn ways to manage it so that it doesn’t take over your exam performance.
The skills you find most helpful in managing your exam anxiety will vary depending on what triggers may be contributing to your high levels of anxiety.
If students experience high levels of anxiety before an exam, they should engage in self-care strategies during this time by keeping an eye on sleeping through the night, nutrition, exercise, and implementing a few relaxation routines.
Students sometimes forget these small steps as they can feel consumed by the fear of the exam.
Relaxation training
Psychologists and well-being teams at school have a range of techniques to help manage test anxiety – and can also recommend ways to improve your study skills.
The goals of the techniques are to help students understand the nature of their anxiety so that they can cope more effectively with upcoming evaluations.
This may include behavioural intervention that aims to teach relaxation training like mindfulness.
Mindfulness is where a student tries to focus on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting their anxious feelings, thoughts, and physical reactions.
Relaxation training can be used alongside a process of systematic desensitisation – this is where a person visualises a scene while completely relaxed, and the mental image evokes some of the feelings of the real scene.
The idea is that if you learn to relax while visualising yourself taking the exam, you can also learn to be relaxed while actually taking the exam.
Tips for coping with exam anxiety
When getting ready for exams try to:
·         Prepare ahead of time by working on sections of the content each day
·         Use practice exam papers as an opportunity to manage anxiety
·         Identify your anxiety early by noticing your physical responses
·         Try replacing unhelpful thoughts with more encouraging self-talk by challenging your worried and negative thoughts
·         Practice focusing your attention on the task at hand (mindfulness), rather than getting tangled in your anxiety and thinking of the “what if?”
·         Learn a few skills for reducing your physical reactions of anxiety
o    Remember good self-care: pay attention to your sleep, nutrition, exercise, relaxation routines, and reach out for social support

Hello!!! how are you today???  This time I want to share a story written by Celes, Belu, Mati and me. The title of our story is ...